Science and Medicine

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Everyday Chinese Medicine 2

Everyday Chinese Medicine II

This course, Everyday Chinese Medicine II offered by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, aims to show to the public, as well as the healthcare professionals about the basic principles of Chinese medicine. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on Chinese medicine diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and to facilitate interprofessional education between Chinese and conventional clinicians.
Chinese Medicine, Body Constitution, Herbs and acupuncture, Health and wellness
Analytical Methods in Physics

Field Action Lab - Promoting Health in Rural Area

Planning and launching health intervention in a rural area can be completely different from urban settings. CCOUC has rich experience in teaching health-related students about carrying health interventions in the rural area. This online course offered by CCOUC composes of micro-modules that are preparatory lectures for anyone who is planning to launch health intervention or perform similar works in rural settings. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to: - Understand the basic knowledge and relevant theories of health promotion - Acquire the skills for planning & launching health interventions in rural areas - Understand the essential process of pre-trip preparation before a rural field trip.
Health and wellness, Rural Area, Health and medicine
Sleep better

Demand on your CARE: Is good sleep a blessing for ageing?

This course is part of a MOOC series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Older age is associated with increased sleep problems and shorter sleep duration, which suggests that sleep difficulties could particularly be relevant issues among older adults. Older people who have good nocturnal sleep quality can cope actively with the challenges of growing old.
It is divided into 4 sessions which would be expected to complete in 4 weeks'time. We estimate that you will need to spend no more than 60 minutes per session on average.
Health Care, Medicine
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Demand on your CARE: Nutrition for Seniors, Eat Smart, Live Smart

This course is part of a MOOC series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Dietary intake and nutritional status not only play a major role in the overall quality of health of older people, but also have an impact on their satisfaction with life. Healthy eating is not all about calorie counting and scouring food labels. Meals are also a time for connection, and good food is one of life’s basic pleasures, at any age. Let’s walk through the problems in eating that may be encountered as one age and learn about the basic tips on diet, and the healthy eating principles for older people.
Disease, Medicine
Medicine - Everyday Chinese Medicine

Everyday Chinese Medicine

This course aims to serve as an education platform on Chinese medicine (CM) for the general public. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on CM diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as regulation on CM services and herbal products using international examples. In the first part of this course, learners will develop skills in applying basic theory of CM for understanding health and illnesses, and be able to compare and contrast views from Chinese and western medicine perspectives. In the second part, learners will be able to diagnose their own CM body constitution, and to apply appropriate CM self-care practice including food therapy, acupressure, Baduanjin and meditation. Learners will also be able to identify commonly used Chinese herbs, and to describe the core principle of acupuncture.
Chinese Medicine, Body Constitution, Herbs and acupuncture, Health and wellness
Science - Biology - Investigation of non-seed plants

Investigation of non-seed plants

Bryophytes and ferns are members of the Kingdom Plantae and produce spores instead of seeds. These linages emerged before the appearance and divergence of seed plants. They show some adaptive features to land life, though their sexual reproduction relies on the availability of free water in the environment. Through this course, you will learn the key morphological features of these non-seed plants and their adaptive values by going through virtual labs, photo-sharing platform, videos and self-tests.
Biology, Plants
Science - Physics - Micro-modules for Introductory Physics

Micro-modules for Introductory Physics

This course aims to provide support to students studying basic mechanics. Part of it provides the essential mathematical tools for first-year physics courses and the rest brings out the physical concepts in mechanics like work and energy, rotation and oscillatory motion. These topics do not necessarily form a sequence, and modules can be studied very much (but not completely) on a stand-alone basis.
Introductory physics
Science - Biology - Three Case Studies in Biochemical and Biomedical Sciences

Three Case Studies in Biochemical and Biomedical Sciences

In this course, you are going to revise some of the basic biological processes and techniques you have learnt in “Genetics and Evolution”; “Health and Diseases” and “Biotechnology” of your high school Biology curriculum. There are totally 3 topics, (1) Huntington’s disease, (2) Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and (3) Genetic screening. They are going to show you how the biochemistry and biotechnology techniques you have learnt in lessons applied in the real scientific world.In each topic, there are basically 3 parts: Information for self-study shown by plain text. Animation and Virtual lab. Revision questions (MCQs).
Biology, Genetics and Evolution, Health and Diseases